Septic Tanks
Septic tanks are a crucial part of on-site sewage disposal systems. Brookfield Concrete Products produce a wide range of septic tanks to meet the system designed by your Professional Engineer or selected by your Qualified Person. Our tanks meet CSA Standard B66 as specified in the Nova Scotia Environment Approved Products guidelines. Please see our technical documents to view CAD sketches of all tank sizes.
For more information and contact information on system design, installation, and maintenance, Nova Scotia Environment and Waste Water Nova Scotia provide a searchable list of certified Professional Engineer, Qualified Persons, Installers and Cleaners. Waste Water Nova Scotia also provides reference material on installation, maintenance, inspection and flushing of septic systems.
We are also happy to discuss your septic needs and direct you to the right resources to answer your questions.

Available Sizes and Accessories
We have readily available stock available in our must commonly requested sizes:
600 gallon – two compartment
600 gallon low profile
800 gallon – two compartment
1000 gallon – two comparment
1000 gallon low profile – two compartment
We also have various septic tank accessories available for purchase:
Effluent filters
Tuf-Tite plastic riser or covers
Flow-splitter tees
Sweet Air Vent Stack filters
We also can custom produce the following sizes:
625 gallon
640 gallon low profile
845 gallon
1057 gallon
1250 gallon low profile
1600 gallon
2000 gallon
2500 gallon
3000 gallon
3500 gallon
4000 gallon
4500 gallon
5000 gallon
5500 gallon